Niall Enright

Niall Enright

Rugadh agus tógadh Niall I gCnoc Dhiarmada sa cheantar. Is gníomhaí pobail agus spóirt aitheanta é ata mar bhainisteoir ar Fhoireann Óige agus Pobail d’Iontaobhas Forbartha Uachtar Chluanaí agus é lonnaithe anois in Ionad Pobail Newhill mar bhainisteoir. Is ball gníomhach é do Ghort na Móna CLG.


Niall was born and raised in Dermotthill in the area. He is a well known community and sporting activist and is the manager of the Upper Springfield Development’s Trust Youth and Community services team and is based in Newhill Youth and Community centre as manager. He’s also an active member of Gort na Móna CLG.