Gerry Scullion

Gerry Scullion

Rugadh agus tógadh Gerry in oirthear na cathrach ach bogadh teaghlach s’aige go Loiste na Móna sna luath seascaidí. Gabhadh Gerry in 1972 agus daoradh chuig Cásanna na Ceise Fada é go dtí 1976. Bhí sé gníomhach i bhforbairt pobail i gceantar Loiste na Mónaó shin. Chuir se cúigear páistí fríd an Ghaeloideachas agus bhí dlúthbhaint aige san fheachtas ar son stádais do Mheánscoil Feirste. Is ball fadbhunaithe é do Chumann na Meirleach ar Bhóthar Bhaile Andarsan agus is Rúnaí é ar an chumann go fóill.


Gerry was born in East Belfast and his family was moved to Turf Lodge in the early sixties. Gerry was arrested in 1972 and sentenced to the cages of Long Kesh until 1976. He has been active in community development in the Turf lodge area since then. He put his five children through Irish medium education and played a key role in the campaign for status for Meánscoil Feirste. He is a long-term member of the Felons Ex Prisoner Social Club and Association and remains the Secretary of the club.