27 Oct Eilish Rooney
Rugadh agus tógadh Eilish i mBaile Uí Mhurchú sular bhog sí go Cnoc Dhiarmada agus í posta le Clann a thógáil. D’fhill sí ar an oideachas fad-saoil i dTeach Cnoc na Foinse fá thionchar an tAthair Des Wilson agus d’éirigh go hiontach léi. Chríochnaigh sé mar léachtóir ollscoile in Ollscoil Uladh le spéisialtóireacht in staidéar na mban agus forbairt pobail. Is ball gníomhach anois ii don Ghrúpa Comhraití Bunreachtúla atá ag gníomhú ar chéist Reifreann ar son Éire Aontaithe. D’fhoilsigh sí leabhar filíochta le déanaí, Ballymurphy Poems.
Eilish was born and raised in the Ballymurphy before moving to Dermotthill after she was married to raise a family. She returned to adult education in Springhill House under the stewardship of Father Des Wilson and excelled and ended up Lecturing in the University of Ulster and specialising in Women’s Studies and Community Development. She is now an active member of the Constitutional Conversations Group who are spearheading a public engagement on the issue of Referendum on Irish Unity. She recently published a poetry book, Ballymurphy Poems.