09 Dec Liam Ó Maolchluiche
Rugadh agus tógadh Liam in Iarthar Bhéal Feirste. D’fhoghlaim sé Gaeilge nuair a cuireadh i bpríosún é sa Cheis Fada ó 1967 go 1984. Nuair a scaoileadh saor é, bhí ról lárnach aige san ghníomhaíochas Ghaeilge agus obair forbartha pobail i gceantar an Uachtar Chluanaí, an áit ina raibh Féile Chnoc na Foinse lonnaithe. Bhog sé go Gaillimh ar feadh tamaillín agus thug sé faoi chéim Ghaeilge is Stair ag Ollscoil na Gallimhe agus cúrsa MA sa soceolaíocht. D’fhill Liam ar ais go Béal Feirste agus bhí sé lárnach san obair forbartha pobail in Iarthar Bhéal Feirste ó shin. I ndiaidh dó seal a chaitheamh mar co-ordaitheoir forbartha óige le FEACHTAS agus bainisteoir den chlár turasóireachta de chuid Coiste na nIarchimí, bíonn Liam go fóill gníomhach i gcúrsaí polaitíochta go háitiúil.
Liam was born and raised in West Belfast. He learned Irish while sentenced to the cages of Long Kesh from 1976 to 1984. Upon his release, he was centrally involved in Irish language activism and community development in the Upper Springfield area of west Belfast where the Springhill festival emanated. He moved to Galway for a few years where he studied at Galway University and completed a degree in Irish language studies and history and an MA in sociology. Liam later returned to west Belfast and played a key role in community development in the area. Having spent time as Youth Development co-ordinator for Irish language youth organisation FEACHTAS and manager of Coiste na nIarchimí Political tours programme, Liam remains active in local community politics.